june, 2022
03jun(jun 3)00:0005(jun 5)00:00Wessex Folk Festival 2022

Event Details
The famous Free Wessex Folk Festival is held in the first week of June and has been established for the past 20 years. After a couple of years break due
Event Details
The famous Free Wessex Folk Festival is held in the first week of June and has been established for the past 20 years. After a couple of years break due to covid restrictions the good news is it’s back this year. It is a free Festival held in the picturesque Harbourside in Weymouth.
A weekend of pub based sessions with some workshops and Morris Dancers at various locations around the town is planned. On the Sunday there will be a stage in Hope Square featuring some local acts culminating with a Ceilidh in the Square before retiring to the pubs to close out the weekend with some “relaxing” sessions.
At The Sailors Return
Sessions all weekend starting at 7pm Friday 3rd June and through Saturday and Sunday from 1pm until late.
At The Belvedere
Workshops/ sessions Saturday and Sunday from 12pm until 4pm
Scottish Dancing workshop on Saturday from 2pm.
Morris Dancing
Saturday from 11am until 5pm outside The White Hart and on the seafront near the statue.
Sunday from 11am until 5pm at The Sand Jetty and in Hope Square.
Hope Square Stage
Sunday from 11am until 7pm.
Ukeleleans, David Gordon, Amy & The Raven, Leftovers, Murphys Lore Trio, Wight Hot Pipes and ending with a ceilidh hosted by Tree fellahs
3 (Friday) 00:00 - 5 (Sunday) 00:00
Weymouth Harbour
Weymouth Harbour, Custom House Quay, Weymouth